At the risk of being deemed a "Cave Dweller", I'm going to admit that up until 20 minutes ago I had never heard of Jerry Doyle... I was finishing my coffee watching "Fox and Friends"
(as all us really hip conservatives do) and caught Clayton's interview with Jerry... (The reason it took 20 minutes was because I had to go on line and order the book)...
Jerry offered two explanations for the title... The first coming almost out of disgust, HAVE YOU SEEN MY COUNTRY LATELY? and the second in a more inquisitive fashion, HAVE YOU SEEN MY COUNTRY LATELY?
As I alluded to, I've not read the book, but Jerry certainly echoes my sentiment... This great country of ours is at as crucial a turning point as we've experienced in our history... There is not a single moment to waste... The progressives and their socialist agenda are within days of as our Marxist-In-Chief so appropriately proclaimed "Fundamentally Transforming America"... We as believers of the fact that our rights are given to us by GOD and not some dipstick politician need to as our "Founding Fathers" did all those years ago, pledge our "Lives and Sacred Honor" to the fight in front of us... There is no time for complacency, "every day in every way" (sorry, and old Silva Mind Control affirmation, our parents were way ahead of their time) put forth the effort to stop these "Dirt Bag Progressives" from turning us into "Europe of the West"... I am not now, and never will be someone who will stand by and watch as our "Rights and Freedoms" are destroyed in the name of "Social Justice" and the good of the "Collective"... The only "Redistributive Change" I'm envisioning is exactly where we will "Redistribute" the bodies of those that would stand in our way...
Lock & Load!!!
Sons & Daughters of Liberty Unite!!!
I missed that interview, and like you I have no idea who Jerry Doyle is. From what you say I may get his book. Sadly, I do not read much these days as it is all I can do just to read the post on the 20 or so blogs I visit each day. Old man time is creeping up on me. I am deeply concerned about our country and the direction it going. In my life time I have seem more freedoms vanish than I wish to recall---slowly they have fallen by the wayside in the name of public safety and other collective ideas. Many young people these days do not miss these freedoms for they have never known them.
ReplyDeleteObama is a stranger in our land and has been welcomed as a god by many, but like all false gods the people are beginning to see that he is after all only human and they are slowly turning from him. His days are numbered.
I saw it too,(I watch Fox and Friends every weekend) and it does look interesting. Apparently Jerry Doyle is a talk show host. Like Ron said, I read so much stuff. So much to read so little time.
ReplyDeleteGreat post! (also never heard of Doyle, but saw it on F&F, hip conservative that I am. heh)
ReplyDeleteI watched the same F & F and have to admit I had never heard of him either.
Reminds me of the line in Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid when they were being chased by the I think Brinks Guards (I could be mistaken, it has been like a hudred years since I have watched the movie)"Who are these guys!" Who is this guy!
Lock & Load!!!
Sons & Daughters of Liberty Unite!!!