Europe is being overrun by Muslims, Canada faces the same dilemma...
It is believed that within fifty years, the majority of people living in America could be Muslim...
I'm fully aware this country was founded on your right to religious freedom, but does anyone think those rights will still exist under Sharia Law?
I've posted on this before, and shrug it off if you will, but this is a clear and immanent danger... The tree hugging, climate change morons are already urging Americans to a limit of one child per family... The Muslims in this country have no intentions of following this recommendation and through shear breeding will become the majority... In as much as I really don't think John Holdren, Obama's science czar is going to get his wish for "forced sterilization", (that's a whole different post) there is little to stop the scenario I just explained...
I'm not against immigration, but we have to protect our way of life...
I can see it now Sharia Law or the hiway, oops I meant or the Scimitar. I use to say bomb them, then I said nukeum, but then thats extreme and far too quick, now I say starve the bastards---no more grain exports to the middle east. Let them "eat sand"!
ReplyDeleteWe could always show them how to raise pigs... Just in case they got tired of sand...
ReplyDeleteWe must keep these Muslim anti-freedom, Sharia Law loving individuals out of our country. I like the idea of nuking them.
ReplyDeleteBAA or (L) I'm still laughing about the poll! I really enjoy your take on matters and share your opinion. Islam is a MENACE.
ReplyDeleteBTW I grew up down at the Miners Corner/beach cutoff area. I went to Cypress Lake High. Funny who you meet in the sphere...
Non-taxpaying democrats have become a majority voting bloc through "shear breeding" so anything's possible.
ReplyDeleteWe're a little older, class of 68 Ft. Myers High School... Does the name Pollock ring a bell?
I used to pick up papers for my Miami Herald paper route @ the old Miners Corner Store... I used to weigh the Sunday addition of the paper on the vegitable scale that was left out for the produce... Of course that was a kinder, gentler time...
ReplyDeleteThat statement says it all...
I'm too old to start making babies again, but maybe we should start asking all virile young conservative males to come (absolutely no pun intended) to the aide of their country and increase the herd so to speak... We can play the numbers came too...
The name DOES ring a bell. I remember a Cindy Pollack (I think). I moved to Cape Coral in 73 and then Miner's Corner (Iona) in 75-81. Then we moved into Ft. Myers. I still have friends and family in the area. Class of 82. Football and basketball at Cypress playing the Green Wave, those were fun times.
ReplyDeleteOur "uncle" sent me worldwide after that and I ended up in ne fl.