In a press conference yesterday press secretary Robert Gibbs used the term "angry" or "angry and frustrated" at least fifteen times... Can it be possible that this administration is waking up? The answer is possibly, but the problem is that they don't care if the American public is angry... They are going to shove their progressive agenda down our throats whether we are angry or not... They are just going to use a different approach...
We have punched this administration in the mouth and fat lip and all, they aren't going to abandon their attempt to "Fundamentally transform America"... That is why we can't let up for a single minute, we need to knock them out... They have been staggered, now we need to continue with body punches, taking the wind out of their fight... Don't let them snooker you into thinking they have heard the bell and are going to listen to the American public, after all the American public is "too stupid to think for themselves"... I hope that last statement really pissed you off, because it should stand as a reminder of just how much importance these creeps consider your opinion to be... The only thing that will stop them is to vote them out and after last Tuesday, that seems to be completely possible... Despite what they may choose to believe, this country is right of center and their far left ideas do not reflect the majority...
It seems their new approach is as Joe Biden said, "that three letter word JOBS"... Is it any wonder we're in such deep dodo, when the Vice President can't count... The only trouble with that is their idea of jobs are in government, not the private sector, and when the private sector is involved it's because it's the husband of the "Caulking Queen's" company that stands to benefit... The "green economy" is designed for one purpose only and that is "the redistribution of wealth" how on earth is "capitalism" and "the free market system" going to bring about their agenda? The answer is simple, it's not, and that is why they are moving at warp speed to collapse both capitalism and the free market system... When Van Jones says "give Pookie a job" I say "tell Pookie to stop buying into the lie"... The progressive agenda along with all its entitlement programs are designed to enslave people, not to free them... The only "hope and change" they are counting on is "hope they don't figure out our scam" because having to "change our jobs" is going to be a bitch, as the vast majority of them have never had a real job...
I think I've ranted enough, so I'll close with one warning... Don't for so much as a second think that their new approach means that they intend to stop trying to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM AMERICA"...
ReplyDeleteWell stated! The Marxist in charge seemed a little peeved at what the Bay State did this week. Well that's too F#@*KING Bad!
This was the pushing of the handle down on the toilet. I can harly wait for the flushing sound to begin!
Lock & Load!!!
Sons & Daughters of Liberty Unite!!!
I agree, we've got to keep fighting! The lefty loons are like terrorists, they can be patient and move their wrongful agenda incremenatally.
ReplyDeleteThey see the anger coming from the American people as there failure to explain their agenda adequately. They will never admit that Americans just don't like what they are selling. They don't and never will get it!
ReplyDeleteI completely agree, BAA. The Commissar-in-Chief was at a MLK event and went on and on about how he was trying and trying and trying, but it just "seems hard". That was followed by the speech your bro mentioned, wherein he ranted about how the American people just don't get it.
ReplyDeleteHe will not moderate, as Clinton did after 94. As such, he will be another Jimmy Carter, who will, hopefully, be followed by another Ronald Reagan.
ReplyDeleteFrom your lips to God's Ears! We just need to find another Ronald Reagan!
Lock & Load!!!
Sons & Daughters of Liberty Unite!!!
I'd run, but they would expect me to wear long pants...
ReplyDeleteI could be your stunt double! I do own a few pair of long pants! Levi's are OK right?
Lock & Load!!!