Some of you may not know this, but light years ago, in a galaxy far far away, I used to run marathons...
Where is this leading you ask? The taking back of our country from the sleazeball progressives is not going to be a sprint, but a long hard fought marathon... In the same way that you don't lace up a pair of running shoes for the first time and proceed to run 26.2 miles, we aren't going to wake up tomorrow and accomplish our goal of restoring our republic before the sun goes down...
Sleazeballs the likes of Bill Ayers and Jeff Jones have been at this since the sixties and before that you had Woodrow Wilson who just like our sitting dirt bag wanted to socialise America... So what do you say, lets all start training for this "Mother of all Marathons", "Lets Take Back Our Country"...
Every training program needs short as well as long term goals... If your goal is a marathon, perhaps a short term goal might be running a 5K... (3.1 miles) If your goal is restoring America, a short term goal might be joining a group of like minded individuals... (strength in numbers)
My brother (L) has his own philosophy for running marathons which proved successful as he finished his first marathon... He says "start slow and taper off" which is partly correct... The biggest mistake we as a nation could make would be to come out of the gates at top speed and burn out before we reach the finish line... (in this case the restoration of our republic)
Whether running a marathon or saving our country, the body or your brain needs rest... When you run every day, your body is being pushed to new levels, the same holds true if you become consumed with the fight for our country... (please don't think I'm trying to minimise the problem) If you continue to push your body more and more each day, the body will eventually start to wear down, as it needs rest to recharge so it can keep going... The fight to restore our country is going to take each and every one of us, so please pace yourself for this marathon, as it will take strength of mind, body and spirit to prevail...
Our short term goal should be the November 2010 elections, so lets use practical training regimens (candidate forums, voter education, precinct walks and contracts with candidates outlining exactly what is expected of them) to win and reach the finish line in our first race...
The intermediate goal in this marathon would be to regain the Whitehouse in 2012... We can ill afford to put another center / left candidate up against the incumbent dirt bag as there are still those "Government Cheese" eating, "Kool-Aide" drinking (please see my last post) morons out there and it's going to take a true conservative, constitution loving, common sense man or woman to win the race to this finish line...
The long term goal is to rewrite the history books, showing the world what once was, still is the greatest planet on the face of the earth... Let the rest of the world strive to be us, we shouldn't be lowering our standards to theirs...
So lace up your shoes, and get in the race... The finish line is in sight and together we can make it, just run a smart race...
Excellent Post!! Yes, we must pace ourselves and do things with passion but in stride. The first step is to boot out the progressives this November. We can begin to take back our country as long as we work together as a team.
ReplyDeleteWell said (P). Freedom isn't a trophy that can be won and kept forevermore. It has to be won and fought for over and over. It is imperative that the readers and hosts of this blog make sure that all of our conservative friends, family and co-workers vote in the 2012 mid-term and 2014 Presidential elections. We have to win overwhelmingly in both elections because the Dems/Libs/Progressives/Socialists/Redistributionists CHEAT. Our elections have been corrupted, think AL Franken, Acorn and the SEIU. Both votes have to be to be LANDSLIDES in our favor. And as we have seen with Obamacare, our government is even more corrupt than it has been.
ReplyDeleteBA great post! You nailed it. This is going to take time and electing candidates that are Constitutionalist first, conservatives second, and political party third. We also need to out the progressives for who they are.
ReplyDeleteThanks Teresa, Goltz (my good friend for over 40 years) & John...
ReplyDeleteThe training has begun, the American people are fired up and chomping at the bit... As Thomas Paine so aptly put it, "these are the times that try men's (women's too) souls"... That's where we have the advantage, as these progressives seem to be lacking a soul...
ReplyDeleteAs soon as read your post, all I could think of was the huge blister I had on the bottom of my right foot upon finishing the race. It kind of reminded me of one of my favorite Gary Larson "Far Side" jokes where the guy is leaning up against the wagon wheel with like twenty arrows sticking in him. There are slain cowboys and Indians laying about and another cowboy asks, "Does it hurt?" His reply was "Yea, but it's a good kind of hurt!"
What I am trying to say is that if you think this is going to be painless you are sadly mistaken. We are going to get battered and bruised and maybe lose a fight or two. But in the end we must prevail and we will be able say, "It's a good kind of hurt!"
My shoes are laced and I'm ready to run what will be a far more important race than the Orange Bowl Marathon!
Lock & Load!!!
Sons & Daughters of Liberty Unite!!!
Terrific post. It is going to be a long and hard "race", but we're up to it. You can see it...just look at the "sleeping giant" that has awakened in this country.
ReplyDeleteI agree 100%...we cannot put another John McCain up in 2012. There has to be an clear and distinct alternative to the progressives when election time comes.