The following was left as a comment on my blog yesterday... It was written by a Russian immigrant who proudly (and may I say quite deservedly) calls America home... Please use the link below (I'm not good at linking in the text, got some work to do before I can play with the big dogs) to visit what I'm sure will become a regular read...
Hyphenated American said...
I've posted this on my blog today. Sorry for the style, English is my second language.
I want my country back!
It seems like the ultra-liberals have been able to bribe and coerce enough congress-scumbags to pass the Obamacare. And as I said before, there would be hell to pay for this monstrosity. Obamacare is the very definition of unlimited government - the threat of which was forewarned by the Founding Fathers more than two centuries ago. The federal government, which is up to its neck in debt and unfunded liabilities, decided to launch the biggest entitlement of all times – the medical care for all. The spending on this new entitlement will surely dwarf many if not most of Federal programs and will make the bankruptcy of federal and state governments inevitable. The time of reckoning is at hand, brothers and sisters. Obamacare is the last breath of the liberal order – and it’s time to take back America from the party of thieves and looters.
All patriots of this nation must stand together and fight back. United we will win! There is no blue or red America anymore – there are only those that believe in America the beautiful, America the free, America the shining city on the hill – and those that believe in welfare socialism and government tyranny. Today, we fight not only for our personal well-being – but for the dignity and honor of this country, for the right to look into the eyes of our children and say – we defended this nation from the perils of socialism. In November 2010, we will answer the crucial questions of our times - are American people worthy of the efforts of the Founding Fathers? Will American people have to right to proudly say “We are Americans” – or they will forever live in infamy and indignity of welfare socialism?
I am glad that the Democratic Party passed the Rubicon. From now on, there is no coming back for the liberal elites, no talks of compromise and middle-ground. Today, it is abundantly clear that we either will live in Obama's America or America that our Founding Father envisioned. You cannot have both.
The November elections will be the most important elections in our lifetime. If you don’t vote for America in November – you don’t deserve to be called an American.
Written by a Russian immigrant who loves America and who loves freedom.
Love it! I tweeted it :) Take heart, boys, we're going to beat back this tyrannical trio and take our country back. We have no choice. And we will prevail.
ReplyDeleteGod bless this Man! We must keep on fighting.
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I'm tweeting too!
Thanks Fuzzy & Bunni...
ReplyDeleteWe have a gentleman in our 9/12 group that was born in Cuba and has the same attitude... It never ceases to amaze me how people born here in the greatest country on the face of the earth simply don't get it!!! Unfortunately they are about to get a real doze of socialism and will be the first to ask "what happened"?
The revolution has begun...
God Bless all Patriots who are now poised to take back our country...
ReplyDeleteTo say the least I am sick of these Statist Assholes that have kidnapped our country!
This is nothing short of treason and we all know that treason is punishable by death! I doubt that we can convict them, but we sure as hell can vote them the out of office!
We are at war, and all is fair in love and war!
Lock & Load!!!
Sons & Daughters of Liberty Unite!!!
Lesson #1, never post comments when you are tired... Your sub-concience takes over, that's "dose" not "doze"... See what I mean...
ReplyDeleteBorn again:
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for posting this. It came from my heart - and the heart has no accent....
BTW, you accidently cut out the ending of my post. Just in case you want to fix it - the letter ends on the optimistic note...
I am glad that the Democratic Party passed the Rubicon. From now on, there is no coming back for the liberal elites, no talks of compromise and middle-ground. Today, it is abundantly clear that we either will live in Obama's America or America that our Founding Father envisioned. You cannot have both.
The November elections will be the most important elections in our lifetime. If you don’t vote for America in November – you don’t deserve to be called an American.
Written by a Russian immigrant who loves America and who loves freedom.
My appolgies... In my haste, I didn't even check my work...
ReplyDeleteThat is an amazing post. I'm following hyphenated as of today!