Tuesday, December 22, 2009


It seems Alan Grayson has a glass ego... He likes to dish his liberal crap, but when someone dares to show opposition, he cries foul... He has asked Eric Holder to prosecute one of the people (the person he's after is a woman, but I don't know the gender of the other two responsible for the website) for their establishing the website
http://www.mycongressmanisnuts.com/ ... Why doesn't he just follow the Republican health care plan and Get sick and die quickly...

I attended the Tea Party Express finale in Orlando, Grayson's district, and believe me his constituents are embarrassed that he is a Floridian, (I'm not in his district, but an embarrassed Floridian none the less) let alone their representative...

I firmly believe congressman Grayson should continue his sophomoric antics while he can as his 15 minutes of fame will come to an end in 2010...


  1. Am I ever glad to have found you!! Followed you from a comment on Chuck thinks right. We need to all stand in unison and make our voices be heard.
    Glenn Beck is planning a Tea Party at the Lincoln Memorial on August 29. I am making plans right now to be there with my 12 year old grandson. I hope you and everyone you know will make it too.
    See you at the Memorial.

  2. Gramma 2 Manny thanks for stopping by, we're not always politically correct, but we're always RIGHT...
