The year started out Sooo great with The Marxist in Chief being sworn in amongst a lot of swearing from the conservatives! Let's take a trip down memory lane!
February brought the $787 Billion Dollar Stimulus Package! How's it working Obama? As we all know it held the unemployment rate under 8%! NO REALLY! What, you say it got to 10.2%! Really? I heard it was the sharpest decline in employment in twenty some years! Even surpassing the unemployment rates caused by that evil Ronald Reagan! How could this be? YOU PROMISED!
Then the government bought General Motors, Chrysler, all the banks in the world and last I looked they had their eye on Walmart! Whoopee! All too big to fail! Can anyone show me in the "Constitution" ( You remember that nifty little document so beautifully crafted by the great men that founded this NATION) where it says one damn word about companies being "Too Big To Fail" Silly little people, as if we don't know what is best for them!
As Spring rolled around suddenly there was a ground swell of people who dared to challenge the "Anointed One" At first it was a low rumble which quickly turned into a loud roar, and suddenly all over this country huge crowds were gathering and "The T.E.A. Party" (Taxed Enough Already) movement was born! Yes, these people actually thought they could think for themselves and did not like the path our wonderful leaders in Washington were taking us down. The T. E. A. Party movement held gatherings all across the land on April 15th. I'm sure it was just a coincidence that they picked that date. Ya Think?
Soon "Queen Nancy" was calling us, I mean them a bunch of "Astro Turf" , "Swastika Carrying", "Terrorists" Say it ain't so Nancy! As the Dems went home to have "Town Hall Meetings" the noise and chants grew louder! From meeting to meeting all over the land, the people stood up and challenged Senators and Congressmen and Women on the terrible decisions they were making. How could anyone be against "ObamaCare" are they serious? Don't they know that the government knows best and should control our lives from "Cradle to Grave" The rumbling continued!
Fast forward to July 4th! The day we celebrate the founding of this Great Nation! You know, picnics, parades, and fireworks! Well there were plenty of fireworks all right! Those T.E.A. Partiers had more of those damn rallies! Will they ever learn?
Finally August rolled around and so did "Cash for Clunkers" This surely will get the economy rolling along! (Pun intended) Drag it, push it, tow it in and get up to $4,500 for your trade! Oh by the way Toyota really thanks you guys for this deal. It seems they sold like twice as many cars as any US automaker. But sell cars we did! I wonder how many of these cars have already been repossessed? Oh well, a sale is a sale! Right?
September brought us "Labor Day" jeez a perfect segue to our friends at SEIU and ACORN!
Where do I start? At this time it seems Andy Stern the head of SEIU has been the number one visitor to the White House. After all the president did tell us in the campaign that he would be calling on his good friend Andy Stern for advice. How could this be a bad thing? Anyone who's slogan is "Workers of the World Unite" can't be all bad, right?
This brings us to ACORN! They could take up the next three days worth of blogs, so I will just share the words I saw on a sign at the 9/12 Project Rally in Washington, DC on I believe it was 9/12. "Because Every Pimp Needs a Federally Funded House" Repeat that line, it just rolls off the tongue so beautifully!
Let me regress a tad, that 9/12 Project Rally, do the people actually think that a few thousand people marching on Washington could possibly make a difference? OK, a few hundred thousand people, all right One Point Two Million People marching on Washington could make enough noise to stop our march toward Socialism? They must be kidding! All of them are fools! And who is this Glenn Beck guy anyway?
October and November just brought more of the same. You know, 10% unemployment, more arguing about "ObamaCare" yada yada! I could go on, but we all know we will prevail! We will take this country down the slippery slope of Socialism, and to a National Debt that our children's, children's, children will be saddled with! Like anyone really cares!
Finally December! Hooray! "ObamaCare" passes in the Senate and all is well! OK, it took some really "Big Bribes", but now all we have to do is combine the House Bill and the Senate Bill into one that we can all agree on and get it to the president's desk so he can sign it into law. Ah Shit! This could be a major problem! The Liberals say they will not vote for a bill that does not have a "Public Option" and that damn Liberman says he won't vote for one that has a "Public Option"
Oh well, there's always 2010! Happy New Year!
Lock & Load!!!
Sons & Daughters of Liberty Unite!!!
A couple of brothers trying to secure a future for our children and grandchildren...

Thursday, December 31, 2009
These posts were my comedic take on some things that weren't the least bit funny!
Sometimes you just need to laugh!!!
Sometimes you just need to laugh!!!
GOOD BYE 2009 WELCOME 2010 (P)

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Their Representative in Congress is Nancy Pelosi.
Their Senators are Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein.
No Wonder We Call Them the "Granola State"....
Monday, December 28, 2009

Just exactly what does Janet Napolitano sit on? I'm very much afraid that it's her brains... The fact that this woman is directly responsible for your security as well as mine makes what I'm sitting on start to pucker...
Sunday this woman on national television stated "once the incident occurred, the system worked"... To me, that is like saying, "the band-aide would have worked if the victim hadn't bled to death first"... Today she's singing a different tune... "Our system did not work in this instance"... "No one is happy or satisfied with that. An extensive review is under way"... Well I don't know about you, but I'm sure as hell going to sleep better tonight knowing that an extensive review is under way... Then to really ease my mind, our fearless leader took time out from his busy vacation to address the issue saying "We will not rest"... If you have the stomach for it, feel free to watch...
Earlier I had the pleasure of watching Charles Payne host the Glenn beck program and one of his guests was Michael Scheuer the author of "Marching Toward Hell"... Michael was quick to point out that Obama was talking about going after and killing or capturing individuals, when we need to annihilate entire pockets of terrorists... People, we're dealing with thousands, and growing more and more daily, of terrorists whose only mission in life is to kill us... Michael also pointed out that the Christmas day attack was 80% successful in as much as it terrified people, disrupted our lives and will cost untold millions in heightened security efforts... The death of innocent people and the destruction of the plane would have made it 100% successful, but they'll settle for 80% any time... Will the next attempt, and believe me it's only a matter of time, be 100% successful? I think it's past the time of playing defense and high time we get our offense on the field and go kick some serious ass...
Janet, it's time for you to step aside and let the "Big Dogs" take over... We might offend a few people on the way, but America's safety is more important than any freaking political correctness and I don't care if your Muslim boss gets his panties in a wad...
I'm sure no true Kool-Aide drinkers are reading my blog as it would probably burn their eyes similar to throwing Holy Water on a vampire... That is why we as "RIGHT" Minded Conservatives must make it our civic duty that if we see someone about to take a drink from the liberal brew to walk up and slap it out of their hands (kind of like Cher when she slapped Nicolas Cage in Moon Struck") yelling "snap out of it"... (if you happen to catch a little face while slapping the drink from their mouths even better)
We must look upon these people much as we do the helpless and down trodden, they simply need to be shown the error of their ways... Perhaps you could invite them over to your house to watch Glenn Beck... Then for more severe cases you may want to make them read the constitution asking them to point out exactly where it says the government can mandate that you buy health insurance... If all else fails, put them in a round room and tell them to sit in the corner... This may not cure them, but it will keep them busy through the November 2010 elections, preventing them from casting a stupid vote... (Gee isn't that better than Black Panthers intimidating voters)
We must look upon these people much as we do the helpless and down trodden, they simply need to be shown the error of their ways... Perhaps you could invite them over to your house to watch Glenn Beck... Then for more severe cases you may want to make them read the constitution asking them to point out exactly where it says the government can mandate that you buy health insurance... If all else fails, put them in a round room and tell them to sit in the corner... This may not cure them, but it will keep them busy through the November 2010 elections, preventing them from casting a stupid vote... (Gee isn't that better than Black Panthers intimidating voters)
Saturday, December 26, 2009
I'm Sorry---But A Little Common Sense Please! (L)
What the hell is the matter with people? Does anyone have a lick of common sense anymore?
I know this is not politically correct but then again neither am I. How can you let someone on a damn airplane with a name like UMAR FAROUK ABDULMUTALLAB? Especially when he was on a known terrorist watch list! This is akin to letting the fox watch the hen house except we are talking about killing innocent people instead of chickens! If the other nations are not willing to do the job, then the US should take on the responsibility ourselves!
I can almost see how he was allowed on the plane in Yemen, but why was he not screened more thoroughly when passing through security in Amsterdam? I probably get better screening flying from Fort Myers to Atlanta.
When is this country going to say enough is enough and stop trying to be friends with these damn terrorist nations that hate our guts? All passengers on all flights originating in "Terrorist Nations" and bound for the United States should be thoroughly searched and if this means strip searches so be it! We can not allow these S.O.B.'s to have even a remote possibility of bringing down one more plane!
I suppose now we are going to have to pay his freaking medical bills! Why not just put him in a jail cell and let his burned leg turn into a massive infection so he can die an agonizingly slow death!
Lock & Load!!!
Sons & Daughters of Liberty Unite!!!
I know this is not politically correct but then again neither am I. How can you let someone on a damn airplane with a name like UMAR FAROUK ABDULMUTALLAB? Especially when he was on a known terrorist watch list! This is akin to letting the fox watch the hen house except we are talking about killing innocent people instead of chickens! If the other nations are not willing to do the job, then the US should take on the responsibility ourselves!
I can almost see how he was allowed on the plane in Yemen, but why was he not screened more thoroughly when passing through security in Amsterdam? I probably get better screening flying from Fort Myers to Atlanta.
When is this country going to say enough is enough and stop trying to be friends with these damn terrorist nations that hate our guts? All passengers on all flights originating in "Terrorist Nations" and bound for the United States should be thoroughly searched and if this means strip searches so be it! We can not allow these S.O.B.'s to have even a remote possibility of bringing down one more plane!
I suppose now we are going to have to pay his freaking medical bills! Why not just put him in a jail cell and let his burned leg turn into a massive infection so he can die an agonizingly slow death!
Lock & Load!!!
Sons & Daughters of Liberty Unite!!!
Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Born Again Americans (L) & (P) would like to take this opportunity to wish each and every one of our readers
a very heart felt MERRY CHRISTMAS...
Right at this very moment (L) is wishing he had beat me to this post as he doesn't care for the beach and would probably have used a different picture... I on the other hand want blood work done to prove we are indeed twins... (there's nothing quite like Christmas lights on a palm tree, after all I don't believe there were much other than palms in Jerusalem at the time of his birth) Nine months in the same womb and fifty nine years heading in opposite directions... Who knew it would take this assault on our nation to bring us full circle, tag teaming to fight the evil left... Merry Christmas Bro...
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Build-A-Climate-Scare: Why You Should Boycott Build-A-Bear
by Maura Flynn
Attention Santas:
This missive is directed at the guardians of, and donors to, tiny humans. If you fall into that category you likely are already familiar with Build-A-Bear, a world-wide corporation that provides the most innocent of services. They sell customizable stuffed animals. Make your own bear, dog…penguin. Cute concept.
So cute, in fact, that the Build-A-Bear empire sweeps across nearly every state and into 17 other countries. You’ll find their outlets in shopping malls everywhere and even some ballparks. The company also has a website called where children can play an interactive video game that, on it’s surface, is unlikely to raise suspicion or sound alarms.
But when your unsuspecting tot logs on and hops a virtual train to the North Pole…you should know that he or she will be informed — by Santa Claus — that Christmas may be canceled this year due to Global Warming. Below is part two of the 3-part video.
Build-A-Climate-Scare: Why You Should Boycott Build-A-Bearby Maura Flynn
Attention Santas:
This missive is directed at the guardians of, and donors to, tiny humans. If you fall into that category you likely are already familiar with Build-A-Bear, a world-wide corporation that provides the most innocent of services. They sell customizable stuffed animals. Make your own bear, dog…penguin. Cute concept.
So cute, in fact, that the Build-A-Bear empire sweeps across nearly every state and into 17 other countries. You’ll find their outlets in shopping malls everywhere and even some ballparks. The company also has a website called where children can play an interactive video game that, on it’s surface, is unlikely to raise suspicion or sound alarms.
But when your unsuspecting tot logs on and hops a virtual train to the North Pole…you should know that he or she will be informed — by Santa Claus — that Christmas may be canceled this year due to Global Warming. Below is part two of the 3-part video.
Here’s an excpert (1:07-2:22):
Girl Elf: Santa, it’s gone!
Papa Elf: It’s gone, It’s gone!
Santa: What’s gone?
Girl Elf: Tell ‘em, Dad!
Papa Elf: The North Peak.
Santa: A mountain? A mountain’s gone? How is that possible?
Ella the polar bear: Santa, sir, that’s why I’m here. That’s why we’re here. The ice is melting!
Santa: Yes, my dear, we know, the climate is changing. There’s bound to be a little melting.
Ella: It’s worse than that, Santa, a lot worse! At the rate it’s melting, the North Pole will be gone by Christmas!”
Santa: My, my…all of this gone by next Christmas? I don’t think so.
Ella: No sir, not next Christmas, this Christmas! The day after tomorrow!
And this is merely the tip of the dialogue iceberg, if you’ll forgive me for putting it that way. You can view parts one and three here and here. Children of the world can look forward to priceless exchanges such as, “Oh my! Where will the polar bears live?” and my personal fave: “Where will the elves live?”
I suspect you’d like to think it can’t get any worse than that. Thus, it pains me to tell you that animated characters actually break into a discussion of satellite photos and that Mrs. Claus conducts a rather unscientific experiment involving ice cubes.
Needless-to-say, this constitutes brainwashing on the sleaziest and most sinister level. The good news is that this nonsense isn’t coming from our government this time and the rocky economy is our friend here. People, we have the means, if we have the will, to topple these charlatans who shamelessly prey on little children. So boycott Build-A-Bear. And, more importantly, tell the world why.
Go tell it on the mountain, and hurry, before it melts.
United Airlines Flight 227 Another flight disrupted by a group of Muslims DougHagmann BioPrintfriendlyE-mail a friendContactUs
By Doug Hagmann Friday, December 11, 2009
(Editor’s Note: Doug Hagmann’s popular site, the Northeast Intelligence Network is currently under transition to another server and will
be back online later today.)
It happened again on
Wednesday, December 9, 2009, less than a month after the incident aboard AirTran Flight 297.
United Airlines Flight 227, scheduled to depart Denver International Airport at 1:50
pm Wednesday for Los Angeles was disrupted when several passengers who were
described as Middle Eastern in appearance, confirmed by this investigator to be
a group of Muslims traveling together, were removed from that aircraft
due to suspicious behavior that originated in the terminal and continued to the
airplane. Their behavior was consistent in some respects to the behavior of the
Muslim passengers aboard AirTran Flight 297 on November 17, 2009 that caused a
flurry of controversy over its legitimacy, and the now infamous case of the
“Flying Imams” of 2006.
According to information obtained by this investigator, seven men of Middle
Eastern appearance, boarded flight 227. Two took their seats in coach, while
five took their seats in the first class section of the plane. At a
critical pre-flight point, the individuals appeared to act in concert
with one another, changing seats and moving stowed luggage to very specific
areas of the aircraft, often having to move the stowed bags of other passengers
to do so. They disobeyed or otherwise ignored the admonitions of the
flight attendants to remain seated.
Their behavior was so overt and so apparently choreographed, according to our
sources, that the flight crew demanded the passengers be removed from the
aircraft. One report found on 9News in Denver quoted John Sloan, a passenger
aboard that flight:
“I have never seen flight attendants so scared in my life. Everything turned out OK, but it was not a very good feeling..”
Following the removal of the passengers, officials brought a bomb-sniffing dogs aboard the aircraft,
focusing of the first class section of the plane. Subsequent to the search that found nothing, the offending passengers were removed from the flight and rebooked on another aircraft to their destination. According to federal officials, no criminal investigation is being launched
into this incident, which was described as a “customer service” matter.
Early this morning, this investigator spoke to a law enforcement source in Denver who is
intimately familiar with the incident. Many details have not been publicly reported about this incident, although it is clear that there is an agenda at play. Based on information obtained from this source and others relating to the previous flights disrupted by the deliberate behavior of Muslim passengers, it is clear that the airline industry, as well as the sensibilities of normal
Americans, is under attack through Islamic ideological jihad. Additional information will be provided once our investigation is complete.
During the season that gave us "regifting" I thought perhaps "reposting" might be acceptable...
When it comes to our government spending too much money somethings never change, so I hope this gives you a reason to smile this season... (who knew I was a poet) This is something I did back in October...
Are you finding yourself going to your check book more often?
Do you find yourself going to your check book, getting there and then not being able to pay when you get there?
Are you getting up several times a night to pay?
You do not have a going problem, you have a growing problem...
Your government is growing and it's putting pressure on your check book...
There is a solution to this problem, it's called I'm-A-Voter...
If you start using I'm-A-Voter today, you can see results in as little as 13 months... (2010 elections)
I'm-A-Voter helps you to remove those socialist, big government liberals, and in time actually replace them with fiscally responsible conservatives...
This resulting in you not having to go to your check book as often, and when you do go, actually being able to write a check...
I'm-A-Voter is not for everyone... Please check with your financial advisor...
If you are a liberal, or have the chance of becoming a liberal, please do not handle I'm-A-Voter...
The risk of certain abnormalities such as Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid may occur...
If you are taking I'm-A-Voter and Barney Frank starts making sense, stop taking I'm-A-Voter immediately and seek professional help...
When it comes to our government spending too much money somethings never change, so I hope this gives you a reason to smile this season... (who knew I was a poet) This is something I did back in October...
Are you finding yourself going to your check book more often?
Do you find yourself going to your check book, getting there and then not being able to pay when you get there?
Are you getting up several times a night to pay?
You do not have a going problem, you have a growing problem...
Your government is growing and it's putting pressure on your check book...
There is a solution to this problem, it's called I'm-A-Voter...
If you start using I'm-A-Voter today, you can see results in as little as 13 months... (2010 elections)
I'm-A-Voter helps you to remove those socialist, big government liberals, and in time actually replace them with fiscally responsible conservatives...
This resulting in you not having to go to your check book as often, and when you do go, actually being able to write a check...
I'm-A-Voter is not for everyone... Please check with your financial advisor...
If you are a liberal, or have the chance of becoming a liberal, please do not handle I'm-A-Voter...
The risk of certain abnormalities such as Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid may occur...
If you are taking I'm-A-Voter and Barney Frank starts making sense, stop taking I'm-A-Voter immediately and seek professional help...
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
It seems Alan Grayson has a glass ego... He likes to dish his liberal crap, but when someone dares to show opposition, he cries foul... He has asked Eric Holder to prosecute one of the people (the person he's after is a woman, but I don't know the gender of the other two responsible for the website) for their establishing the website ... Why doesn't he just follow the Republican health care plan and Get sick and die quickly...
I attended the Tea Party Express finale in Orlando, Grayson's district, and believe me his constituents are embarrassed that he is a Floridian, (I'm not in his district, but an embarrassed Floridian none the less) let alone their representative...
I firmly believe congressman Grayson should continue his sophomoric antics while he can as his 15 minutes of fame will come to an end in 2010... ... Why doesn't he just follow the Republican health care plan and Get sick and die quickly...
I attended the Tea Party Express finale in Orlando, Grayson's district, and believe me his constituents are embarrassed that he is a Floridian, (I'm not in his district, but an embarrassed Floridian none the less) let alone their representative...
I firmly believe congressman Grayson should continue his sophomoric antics while he can as his 15 minutes of fame will come to an end in 2010...
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Please take a minute and read the following that I received in an email...
Fast Facts
Born: March 13, 1950
Birthplace: New York City, New York
Raised in Montreal, Canada
Attended McGill University and Harvard Medical School
1972 diving accident left him a quadriplegic
Directed psychiatric research for the Carter administration
Began writing career in 1981 with The New Republic
Helped develop the "Reagan Doctrine" in the 80s
Appointed to Presidential Council on Bioethics in 2002
Last Monday was a profound evening, Dr. Charles Krauthammer spoke to the Center for the American Experiment. He is a brilliant intellectual, seasoned & articulate. He is forthright and careful in his analysis, and never resorts to emotions or personal insults. He is NOT a fear monger nor an extremist in his comments and views . He is a fiscal conservative, and has received a Pulitzer Prize for writing. He is a frequent contributor to Fox News and writes weekly for the Washington Post.
The entire room was held spellbound during his talk. I have summarized his comments, as we are living in uncharted waters economically and internationally. Even 2 Dems at my table agreed with everything he said! If you feel like forwarding this to those who are open minded and have not drunk the Kool-Aid, feel free.
Summary of his comments:
1. Mr. Obama is a very intellectual, charming individual. He is not to be underestimated. He is a cool customer who doesn't show his emotions. It's very hard to know what's behind the mask. The taking down of the Clinton dynasty was an amazing accomplishment. The Clintons still do not understand what hit them. Obama was in the perfect place at the perfect time.
2. Obama has political skills comparable to Reagan and Clinton . He has a way of making you think he's on your side, agreeing with your position, while doing the opposite. Pay no attention to what he SAYS; rather, watch what he DOES!
3. Obama has a ruthless quest for power. He did not come to Washington to make something out of himself, but rather to change everything, including dismantling capitalism. He can't be straightforward on his ambitions, as the public would not go along. He has a heavy hand, and wants to level the playing field with income redistribution and punishment to the achievers of society. He would like to model the USA to Great Britain or Canada .
4. His three main goals are to control ENERGY, PUBLIC EDUCATION, and NATIONAL HEALTHCARE by the Federal government. He doesn't care about the auto or financial services industries, but got them as an early bonus.. The cap and trade will add costs to everything and stifle growth. Paying for FREE college education is his goal. Most scary is his healthcare program, because if you make it FREE and add 46,000,000 people to a Medicare-type single-payer system, the costs will go through the roof. The only way to control costs is with massive RATIONING of services, like in Canada . God forbid!
5. He has surrounded himself with mostly far-left academic types. No one around him has ever even run a candy store. But they are going to try and run the auto, financial, banking and other industries. This obviously can't work in the long run. Obama is not a socialist; rather he's a far-left secular progressive bent on nothing short of revolution.. He ran as a moderate, but will govern from the hard left. Again, watch what he does, not what he says.
6. Obama doesn't really see himself as President of the United States , but more as a ruler over the world. He sees himself above it all, trying to orchestrate & coordinate various countries and their agendas. He sees moral equivalency in all cultures. His apology tour in Germany and England was a prime example of how he sees America , as an imperialist nation that has been arrogant, rather than a great noble nation that has at times made errors. This is the first President ever who has chastised our allies and appeased our enemies!
7. He is now handing out goodies. He hopes that the bill (and pain) will not come due until after he is reelected in 2012. He would like to blame all problems on Bush from the past, and hopefully his successor in the future. He has a huge ego, and Dr. Krauthammer believes he is a narcissist.
8.. Republicans are in the wilderness for a while, but will emerge strong. Republicans are pining for another Reagan, but there will never be another like him. Krauthammer believes Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty & Bobby Jindahl (except for his terrible speech in February) are the future of the party. Newt Gingrich is brilliant, but has baggage. Sarah Palin is sincere and intelligent, but needs to really be seriously boning up on facts and info if she is to be a serious candidate in the future. We need to return to the party of lower taxes, smaller government, personal responsibility, strong national defense, and state's rights.
9. The current level of spending is irresponsible and outrageous. We are spending trillions that we don't have. This could lead to hyperinflation, depression or worse. No country has ever spent themselves into prosperity. The media is giving Obama, Reid and Pelosi a pass because they love their agenda. But eventually the bill will come due and people will realize the huge bailouts didn't work, nor will the stimulus package. These were trillion-dollar payoffs to Obama's
allies, unions and the Congress to placate the left, so he can get support for #4 above.
10. The election was over in mid-September when Lehman brothers failed, fear and panic swept in, we had an unpopular President, and the war was grinding on indefinitely without a clear outcome. The people are in pain, and the mantra of change caused people to act emotionally. Any Dem would have won this election; it was surprising it was as close as it was.
11. In 2012, if the unemployment rate is over 10%, Republicans will be swept back into power. If it's under 8%, the Dems continue to roll. If it's between 8-10%, it will be a dogfight. It will all be about the economy. I hope this gets you really thinking about what's happening in Washington and Congress. There is a left-wing revolution going on, according to Krauthammer, and he encourages us to keep the faith and join the loyal resistance. The work will be hard, but we're right on most issues and can reclaim our country, before it's far too late.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
I'm jiggy with global warming... I'll start by saying that I was lucky enough to be born in S.W. Florida and smart enough to stay here... I saw snow once and frankly it's not all it's cracked up to be... (I'm sure there's going to be hell to pay for that comment) The truth is the last time I donned a pair of pants was June 1st, 1996 the day my youngest daughter got married and I actually wore a tuxedo... Thankfully when my son got married years later, it was a much more casual wedding, though I did wear closed toed shoes... (my equivalent of black tie) This is all proof of God's ultimate love and wisdom, as he new I was going to end up in a wheelchair and had the grace to have me born in the paradise (snow chains and wheelchairs are a bad mix) that is Florida... (shhhh, they'll all want to move here)
This is why I'm so totally against the global warming (I won't call it climate change) debacle... If they reduce the carbon emissions and the temperature drops, I'm going to have to buy pants and I hate to shop!!!
Tammie and I are having our annual Christmas open house / party this evening, so I'd like to take this time to invite all of you to stop by...
If you can't make it, let me just wish everyone a Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah, God bless you all and may God bless America...
This is why I'm so totally against the global warming (I won't call it climate change) debacle... If they reduce the carbon emissions and the temperature drops, I'm going to have to buy pants and I hate to shop!!!
Tammie and I are having our annual Christmas open house / party this evening, so I'd like to take this time to invite all of you to stop by...
If you can't make it, let me just wish everyone a Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah, God bless you all and may God bless America...
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
CRUSADER RABBIT: Geert Wilders speech
Please take the time to read this speech... Second only to the socialist agenda being crammed down our throats, is the onslaught of Islam...
CRUSADER RABBIT: Geert Wilders speech
You may also wish to watch the video attached to an earlier post of mine...
CRUSADER RABBIT: Geert Wilders speech
You may also wish to watch the video attached to an earlier post of mine...
I think perhaps it's time to start playing Cowboys and Progressives... Do you remember when Tonto was the Lone Ranger's sidekick and "kimosabe" was all the Indian (American Indian, we hadn't started outsourcing to New Delhi) you needed to know... Those were a kinder, gentler time when Mom stayed at home (that was a good thing) and dad was the figure of strength and security, after all he was your Father... (something that invoked love and respect, unless preceded by wait until your, which meant something entirely different)
Fast forward fifty or so years and the America we knew and loved has been perverted into something hardly recognizable... The family has been eroded into someplace or something where huge percentages not only don't have a father, they don't even know who he is... These socialists in progressives clothing are on the verge of taking all that was America and destroying the very fabric that has kept this nation the world leader for two hundred plus years... We as a nation need to hold on to the values that our founding fathers held so dearly and were willing to sacrifice everything in the pursuit of the America that we are trying to preserve...
It is clear who the enemy is and our mission should be just as clear... (I'm going to use an analogy here that is sure to raise eyebrows if not simply piss you off, but it's the point I'm trying to make that is important) We need to round up all these progressives and put them on a reservation (how about California) and let the healing begin... The spending must stop, we must not pass any health care reform or cap and trade... We need to put government on a crash diet, ("The Biggest Loser" comes to mind) shrinking every aspect... The constitution needs to be used to outline how We The People use our republic form of government to insure our safety and well being, not having some dip sticks who think they know what is best for you and me...
So if playing Cowboys and Progressives seems childish to you, it may be the only way we restore our great nation... Sons and Daughters of Liberty, saddle up, it's time to ride...
Fast forward fifty or so years and the America we knew and loved has been perverted into something hardly recognizable... The family has been eroded into someplace or something where huge percentages not only don't have a father, they don't even know who he is... These socialists in progressives clothing are on the verge of taking all that was America and destroying the very fabric that has kept this nation the world leader for two hundred plus years... We as a nation need to hold on to the values that our founding fathers held so dearly and were willing to sacrifice everything in the pursuit of the America that we are trying to preserve...
It is clear who the enemy is and our mission should be just as clear... (I'm going to use an analogy here that is sure to raise eyebrows if not simply piss you off, but it's the point I'm trying to make that is important) We need to round up all these progressives and put them on a reservation (how about California) and let the healing begin... The spending must stop, we must not pass any health care reform or cap and trade... We need to put government on a crash diet, ("The Biggest Loser" comes to mind) shrinking every aspect... The constitution needs to be used to outline how We The People use our republic form of government to insure our safety and well being, not having some dip sticks who think they know what is best for you and me...
So if playing Cowboys and Progressives seems childish to you, it may be the only way we restore our great nation... Sons and Daughters of Liberty, saddle up, it's time to ride...
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Are They Completely Insane? (L)
As if things in DC weren't crazy enough, now you have the "Statist Elete" trying to lower the age for Medicare to 55 year olds! Isn't Medicare already insolvent?
Dear God in Heaven can you please have someone explain this to me? The Dems already want to cut $500,000,000,000 from Medicare and now they want to add millions of people to the program! President Monica tried a similar move back in 1993, but congress could not find a way to fund it.
Rep. Anthony Weiner, D- N.Y. ( Gee, who would have guessed that?) was quoted saying, "expanding Medicare like this is an unvarnished, complete victory for people like me, people who support single-payer systems." Where have we heard that before? These people must be defeated!
Congress has just been asked to raise the"DEBT CEILING" again! They have to stop spending now... This can not be allowed to go unchecked!
Oh by the way, did you hear they are voting on a pay raise for Federal workers? Doesn't that just frost your ASS!!!!
Lock & Load!!!
Sons & Daughters of Liberty Unite!!!!
Dear God in Heaven can you please have someone explain this to me? The Dems already want to cut $500,000,000,000 from Medicare and now they want to add millions of people to the program! President Monica tried a similar move back in 1993, but congress could not find a way to fund it.
Rep. Anthony Weiner, D- N.Y. ( Gee, who would have guessed that?) was quoted saying, "expanding Medicare like this is an unvarnished, complete victory for people like me, people who support single-payer systems." Where have we heard that before? These people must be defeated!
Congress has just been asked to raise the"DEBT CEILING" again! They have to stop spending now... This can not be allowed to go unchecked!
Oh by the way, did you hear they are voting on a pay raise for Federal workers? Doesn't that just frost your ASS!!!!
Lock & Load!!!
Sons & Daughters of Liberty Unite!!!!
According to the Associated Press, Cuba has detained a United States Citizen... Dear God in heaven please let it be Michael Moore...
Exactly what is it going to take before the American public wakes up to the fact that our rights and personal freedoms are being stolen (I almost used the word eroded, but that implies a long and gradual occurrence) at warp speed... It seems to me that our very existence as free individuals is being turned into a mockery by the uber left... While the rest of us were busy living the American dream that our founding fathers so aptly laid the ground work for, these despicable creeps (I wanted to use assholes, but thought better) like Cloward and Piven, Saul Alinsky, George Soros and the latest to surface (or should I say to be released from prison) Robert Creamer have been plotting to destroy the American dream all under the pretense of Social Justice, which is straight up socialism... This health care bill they are trying to cram down our throats even though 80% of Americans are happy with the coverage they currently enjoy (I wonder how long it will be before the words health care coverage and enjoy will never be used in the same sentence) is nothing but a power grab by an out of control government who feels we are too stupid to fend for ourselves... They more than likely will be having cap and trade legislation passed only to avoid having CO2 regulated by the EPA and don't even get me started on their insistence on spending our way out of this economic down turn...
Their are two different two word scenarios applicable to this problem... The first is RIGHT NOW which refers to when we must get off our couches and take our country back, or TOO LATE which is what it is going to be should we fail to act...
Andy Stern has his "workers of the world unite"...
We must have our own "SONS and DAUGHTERS of LIBERTY UNITE"!!!
Their are two different two word scenarios applicable to this problem... The first is RIGHT NOW which refers to when we must get off our couches and take our country back, or TOO LATE which is what it is going to be should we fail to act...
Andy Stern has his "workers of the world unite"...
We must have our own "SONS and DAUGHTERS of LIBERTY UNITE"!!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Coming from someone who when cut, bleeds Orange and Blue, I must congratulate Nick Saban and the Alabama Crimson Tide on their decisive victory over my beloved Florida Gators in the SEC championship game...
Now that's out of the way, let me say what's really on my mind... I am so freaking sick and tired of those two assh***s Gary Danielson's and Verne Lundquist's blatant favoritism for absolutely anyone playing the Gators... These two jerks don't even try to sound unbiased while calling the games... This season CBS broadcast seven of the thirteen games the Gators played, making it painful to listen to the commentary as they spin everything good, bad or indifferent that happened on the field... (perhaps they are practicing to be politicians) I for one hope Verne Lundquist is put out to pasture and Gary Danielson just goes away... We play Alabama on October 2nd next year and I can only pray that CBS doesn't broadcast the game...
One might think that after that "can of whoop ass" the Tide opened up on us yesterday I might be saying for the national title game "Hookem Horns", but being an SEC fanatic I'll say "Roll Tide"... We'll have to settle for a little sugar...
Now that's out of the way, let me say what's really on my mind... I am so freaking sick and tired of those two assh***s Gary Danielson's and Verne Lundquist's blatant favoritism for absolutely anyone playing the Gators... These two jerks don't even try to sound unbiased while calling the games... This season CBS broadcast seven of the thirteen games the Gators played, making it painful to listen to the commentary as they spin everything good, bad or indifferent that happened on the field... (perhaps they are practicing to be politicians) I for one hope Verne Lundquist is put out to pasture and Gary Danielson just goes away... We play Alabama on October 2nd next year and I can only pray that CBS doesn't broadcast the game...
One might think that after that "can of whoop ass" the Tide opened up on us yesterday I might be saying for the national title game "Hookem Horns", but being an SEC fanatic I'll say "Roll Tide"... We'll have to settle for a little sugar...
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Is it just me, or is having Andy Stern, the AFLCIO and the Teamsters Union at a White House jobs summit just about as stupid as having Dr. Jack Kevorkian at a conference on aging? The president and the rest of the kool-aide drinkers were absolutely giddy about the jobs report saying that in the month of November joblessness went from 10.2% to 10%... In an interview on Your World / Fox Business, New York congresswoman Carolyn Maloney repeatedly mentioned that this was the best jobs report since the evil George W. Bush of 2007 and only 11,000 jobs were lost... Isn't that like saying you had all your fingers cut off, but doctors were able to reattach the first joint on one of your pinky fingers? This isn't rocket science folks, if you want to create jobs, you need private / small business companies who are responsible for creating 70% - 80% of jobs... This is not going to be done by creating government jobs which is all the so called stimulus package has done... Could this possibly have anything to do with the fact that more than 50% of government jobs are unionised? Perish the thought, to believe that, you would have to think our president was in bed with unions like SEIU... Andy Stern is just a really nice guy, that's the only reason he's the number one visitor to the White House, stop reading things into innocent behavior...
Now there is a movement to use repaid TARP money to create jobs... Forgetting the fact that this was borrowed money and was intended to stop the "Too Big To Fail" financial institutions and factoring in what a swell job the 857 billion dollar stimulus package has done thus far, how can anyone think this is a good, let alone lawful idea... At a cost so far of nearly $300,000.00 per (mostly government) job created, I've calculated (my calculator doesn't work in billions) that 70 billion dollars would equate to 233,333 jobs... (please feel free to correct my math) If you take into consideration the interest being paid on this borrowed money, I don't think this is logical let alone lawful under the guise of how the TARP money was appropriated in the first place...
Here are a few thoughts on how to create jobs...
Now there is a movement to use repaid TARP money to create jobs... Forgetting the fact that this was borrowed money and was intended to stop the "Too Big To Fail" financial institutions and factoring in what a swell job the 857 billion dollar stimulus package has done thus far, how can anyone think this is a good, let alone lawful idea... At a cost so far of nearly $300,000.00 per (mostly government) job created, I've calculated (my calculator doesn't work in billions) that 70 billion dollars would equate to 233,333 jobs... (please feel free to correct my math) If you take into consideration the interest being paid on this borrowed money, I don't think this is logical let alone lawful under the guise of how the TARP money was appropriated in the first place...
Here are a few thoughts on how to create jobs...
- Kill Health Care Deform... (no that wasn't a typo even taking into consideration the close proximity of the "R" & the "D" on the keyboard)
- Kill Cap and Tax (same idea as above)
- Restore the Bush tax cuts
- Help banks free up lending to small business (get the Feds out of the financial system)
Everything above would enable small business men and women to accurately predict the cost of hiring new employees... As long as the uncertainty of what these morons in Washington will do next looms over their heads, the longer it will take these job creators to get the free market system back on track...
If one didn't know better, one might think that the Socialist - N - Chief was trying to insure the Free Market System and Capitalism failed... That might even lead us to think that Obama believes in the redistribution of wealth and that's simply absurd...
Friday, December 4, 2009

You thought it was the "Nobel Peace Prize"
Seems as if the scientific proof isn't the only thing getting "blown"...
Gropenhagen Conference
Prostitutes Offer Free Climate Summit Sex
By Politiken Staff
Copenhagen Mayor Ritt Bjerregaard sent postcards to city hotels warning summit guests not to patronize Danish sex workers during the upcoming conference. Now, the prostitutes have struck back, offering free sex to anyone who produces one of the warnings.
Copenhagen's city council in conjunction with Lord Mayor Ritt Bjerregaard sent postcards out to 160 Copenhagen hotels urging COP15 guests and delegates to 'Be sustainable - don't buy sex'.
"Dear hotel owner, we would like to urge you not to arrange contacts between hotel guests and prostitutes," the approach to hotels says.
Now, Copenhagen prostitutes are up in arms, saying that the council has no business meddling in their affairs. They have now offered free sex to anyone who can produce one of the offending postcards and their COP15 identity card, according to the Web site
According to the report, the move has been organized by the Sex Workers Interest Group (SIO).
"This is sheer discrimination. Ritt Bjerregaard is abusing her position as Lord Mayor in using her power to prevent us carrying out our perfectly legal job. I don't understand how she can be allowed to contact people in this way," SIO Spokeswoman Susanne Møller tells
Møller adds that it is reprehensible and unfair that Copenhagen politicians have chosen to use the UN Climate Summit as a platform for a hetz against sex workers.
"But they've done it and we have to defend ourselves," Møller says.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Here's an article published in the Orlando Sentinel... Now you know why I support Marco Rubio...
When the U.S. House of Representatives recently passed its health-care bill, it brought America one step closer to merging our nation's health system with an intrusive, heavy-handed government.
Although Democrats hailed this bill as health-care reform, it is really just the architecture for what will one day become a government-run, single-payer system. With a price tag estimated to be more than $1 trillion, it also shows Washington Democrats have no plans to curb their runaway spending.
As the debate shifts to the Senate, the prospects of an improved bill don't appear likely. The $849 billion bill currently being considered is equally alarming with its unhealthy prescription of higher taxes on the middle class and small businesses, higher premiums and fees, increased regulation through individual mandates and penalties, and more government-run bureaucracy that will undermine the patient-doctor relationship.
The bill also would expand a financially unsustainable Medicaid entitlement program that is already straining state budgets. And it would fundamentally hurt Medicare by taking away access to Medicare Advantage plans and installing a new government bureaucracy to oversee Medicare reimbursements.
Altogether, these so-called reforms would hurt the ability of Americans to keep the coverage they are satisfied with, threaten the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship and bring the nation closer to a single-payer system. Americans deserve better.
As the Senate opens debate on its own health-care bill, it should reassess the underlying problems facing our system today. For starters, we must accurately diagnose the problem. America does not have a health-care problem. But America does have a health-insurance problem; not enough affordable choices exist while costs continue to rise.
As a result, millions of Americans do not have health insurance because they have either lost their jobs or because the private market cannot offer more options that meet their unique needs at prices they can afford.
Thus, any solution should ultimately seek to promote a vibrant private market where individuals can buy health insurance the way we buy auto insurance — independent of our employer, with the kind of flexibility and coverage we need, and at affordable prices.
What American health care needs today are reforms that promote competition, empower patients with more high-quality health-care options, combat fraud and integrate the latest technologies to make the system more efficient and the patient better informed.
Any health-care bill should reject a government-run public option. It should instead strive to make health care portable, make medical expenses tax-deductible, incentivize health-savings accounts and allow small businesses to band together through association health plans that help them get the same discounts larger businesses have. Allowing people to buy insurance across state lines will also help lower premiums by offering people more choices.
We must insist on a bill that features medical-liability reform that will reduce frivolous lawsuits. By not having to operate under the constant threat of lawsuit abuse, doctors will no longer feel forced to order unnecessary tests and procedures that drive up wasteful health-care spending.
As the health-care debate proceeds, we must never forget that our nation has the world's most formidable health-care innovators and professionals who are helping Americans lead longer and healthier lives. They, not government bureaucrats, are best equipped to meet the needs of patients.
President Obama and the Democrat Congress should abandon their current path toward a government-run, single-payer system and instead pursue common-sense reforms that will truly reduce costs, increase options and leave doctors and patients in charge of a health-care system that serves as a shining example that the rest of the world's health-care systems strive to emulate.
Marco Rubio of Miami is a Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate.
Copyright © 2009, Orlando Sentinel
When the U.S. House of Representatives recently passed its health-care bill, it brought America one step closer to merging our nation's health system with an intrusive, heavy-handed government.
Although Democrats hailed this bill as health-care reform, it is really just the architecture for what will one day become a government-run, single-payer system. With a price tag estimated to be more than $1 trillion, it also shows Washington Democrats have no plans to curb their runaway spending.
As the debate shifts to the Senate, the prospects of an improved bill don't appear likely. The $849 billion bill currently being considered is equally alarming with its unhealthy prescription of higher taxes on the middle class and small businesses, higher premiums and fees, increased regulation through individual mandates and penalties, and more government-run bureaucracy that will undermine the patient-doctor relationship.
The bill also would expand a financially unsustainable Medicaid entitlement program that is already straining state budgets. And it would fundamentally hurt Medicare by taking away access to Medicare Advantage plans and installing a new government bureaucracy to oversee Medicare reimbursements.
Altogether, these so-called reforms would hurt the ability of Americans to keep the coverage they are satisfied with, threaten the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship and bring the nation closer to a single-payer system. Americans deserve better.
As the Senate opens debate on its own health-care bill, it should reassess the underlying problems facing our system today. For starters, we must accurately diagnose the problem. America does not have a health-care problem. But America does have a health-insurance problem; not enough affordable choices exist while costs continue to rise.
As a result, millions of Americans do not have health insurance because they have either lost their jobs or because the private market cannot offer more options that meet their unique needs at prices they can afford.
Thus, any solution should ultimately seek to promote a vibrant private market where individuals can buy health insurance the way we buy auto insurance — independent of our employer, with the kind of flexibility and coverage we need, and at affordable prices.
What American health care needs today are reforms that promote competition, empower patients with more high-quality health-care options, combat fraud and integrate the latest technologies to make the system more efficient and the patient better informed.
Any health-care bill should reject a government-run public option. It should instead strive to make health care portable, make medical expenses tax-deductible, incentivize health-savings accounts and allow small businesses to band together through association health plans that help them get the same discounts larger businesses have. Allowing people to buy insurance across state lines will also help lower premiums by offering people more choices.
We must insist on a bill that features medical-liability reform that will reduce frivolous lawsuits. By not having to operate under the constant threat of lawsuit abuse, doctors will no longer feel forced to order unnecessary tests and procedures that drive up wasteful health-care spending.
As the health-care debate proceeds, we must never forget that our nation has the world's most formidable health-care innovators and professionals who are helping Americans lead longer and healthier lives. They, not government bureaucrats, are best equipped to meet the needs of patients.
President Obama and the Democrat Congress should abandon their current path toward a government-run, single-payer system and instead pursue common-sense reforms that will truly reduce costs, increase options and leave doctors and patients in charge of a health-care system that serves as a shining example that the rest of the world's health-care systems strive to emulate.
Marco Rubio of Miami is a Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate.
Copyright © 2009, Orlando Sentinel
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I can't help but to be sadden by the admissions coming from Tiger Woods as to his infidelity... I'm in no way condoning his behavior, I'm just sadden to think that one of our super heroes has turned out to be human after all... I'm old enough to remember Tiger coming on the Mike Douglas show as a toddler showing his amazing talent... I watched him grow up and become the greatest golfer ever to play the game, and now this... Bill Clinton comes to mind when you think of high profile cases of sexual indiscretion and even after his lying under oath as the president of the United States it did not result in his impeachment... (trying to use the definition of sexual intercourse as a loop hole to avoid the consequences of his improprieties ) The fact is, Bill Clinton is a scum puppy, and now Tiger has lowered himself to his standards... For the most part, the American public has forgiven Bill Clinton, I hope they can forgive Tiger, or I guess Tiger can always revert to becoming a politician...
So in conclusion I guess this leaves Tim Tebow as the last of the "Good Guys"... After all, everyone knows, Superman wears Tim Tebow pajamas...
So in conclusion I guess this leaves Tim Tebow as the last of the "Good Guys"... After all, everyone knows, Superman wears Tim Tebow pajamas...
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