Saturday, July 18, 2009


There is absolutely nothing I would enjoy more than not having to spend my time blogging about the direction our country is headed, but it seems the universe has a different opinion as to how I should spend my time... Our country is changing, (where have I heard the word change, oh yes, it seems our Marxist in Chief ran on a platform promising the same) the problem is it is changing for the worse, not the better... There is very little that I fear, yet I'm scared "spitless" that I'm going to wake up one morning and not recognize the country I grew up in and loved so dearly...

I'd like to create a new mantra that we can all get behind whether it is "WAKE UP AMERICA" or simply "IT'S NOT TOO LATE" we can no longer afford to be complacent in our actions and thinking... I'd like to start listing what I feel is threatening our country, but also how we might fix the problem... (please I'm just one person, feel free to send me yours, as long as you include your ideas as how to correct them)

1. Cap & Trade or Cap & Tax as it has been more accurately called...

  • One word "NUCLEAR" even the French got this right...
  • Natural Gas of which we have 2,000 TRILLION cubic feet of right below us, just waiting to be tapped... Enough to meet our needs for the next 100 years...
  • Stop the combining of our federal government with huge corporations and labor unions... General Electric and the S.E.I.U. should not be able to commandeer our Federal Government for their own agenda... Wind power and solar are viable sources of energy, but by no means are they the end all do all... Though once upon a time in a land far, far away (sorry, I got carried away) unions were necessary, today they are not... Why on earth would we want to perpetuate inefficiency and promote uncontrolled labor costs which keep us from competing in a global market...
  • Call and email, even snail mail (the post office needs the money) your senators and don't ask, but demand that they oppose this legislation not only in its current form, but in any form...

2. Health Care Reform

  • Stop giving free health care to illegal immigrants... (what freaking part of "ILLEGAL" don't you understand) The state of Massachusetts where they have universal health care and are rapidly finding it to be a complete "CLUSTER" (need I say more) are actually cutting off care for "LEGAL" immigrants to help pay for this debacle... What's up with that?
  • Don't even think about taxing small business, or haven't you heard we are in what some call a recession and others might agree is a full fledged depression? This would cost jobs and isn't that a "BAD" idea considering our economic situation? Isn't this administration aware of the fact that 70% (some think a much higher percentage) of all jobs are created by small business?
  • Don't even think about funding this with the savings we will recognize from "Government Efficiency" (now there is an oxymoron) and cost cutting...
  • I personally don't feel that the government needs to take care of me, (health care wise or otherwise) and if you feel differently, you might want to start considering moving elsewhere... The "Declaration of Independence" proclaimed our unalienable right to "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, yet I don't recall any fine print guaranteeing equal results for all. There will always be those that excel, and dare I say, those that fail... You can't level the playing field by bringing down those that achieve, you must while assuring the opportunity, allow the others to achieve or underachieve as they may... No one benefits from so called "entitlements" they simply keep the recipients from ever achieving on their own...

3. A.C.O.R.N.

  • I'm putting this in your hands, please help me come up with a good acronym for S.Q.U.I.R.R.E.L. because we need to put fear into this insidious organization and I can't think of anything an acorn would fear more...
  • It's much later, how about STOP QUIETLY UNDERMINING INDIVIDUALS RIGHTS REGARDING ELECTION LEGITIMACY... (I'm sure someone out there can improve on that)
  • The problem is voter registration fraud is just the tip of the ice burg when it comes to these clowns... Wondering why I used clowns, have you ever seen pictures of the Rathke brothers? (sorry, I couldn't help throwing at least one cheap shot)
  • Back to solutions... Insist that the federal government launch a complete investigation into their financial dealings and corruption leading right into "The Oval Office"... Have you forgotten the fact that Obama was a "Community Organizer"...

4. Border Security

  • Finish the fence...
  • Finish the fence...
  • Finish the fence...
  • What part of finish the freaking fence don't they understand...

5. Illegal Immigration

  • Get rid of these so called "Sanctuary Cities"... Cut all federal funding to cities who blatantly harbor illegals... (are you listening) Please check out this list of sanctuary cities courtesy of Bill O'Reilly
  • Every time an illegal is caught in this country shoot him, the others might take a hint... Of course I'm kidding, (not really in my heart of hearts) but DEPORT THEM IMMEDIATELY, DO NOT PASS GO, DO NOT COLLECT $200.00, SEND THEM STRAIGHT BACK FROM WHENCE THEY CAME...
  • If you don't deport them immediately, at least deport a Bleeding Heart Liberal for every illegal they round up... Nancy Pelosi would be a good start...
  • If the federal government doesn't want to act, stay the hell away from local governments that will act... Sherrif Joe Arpaio would know what to do with them...

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