Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Birthday America

It's July 4, 2009 and I can't think of a better time to post my first ever blog... We have set this website and blog up as a forum for "We the People" to come together to take back our country...

This country of ours is being hijacked, but it's not too late to turn things around... Please grab hold of your senses and help us restore our Constitution and get rid of these politicians (I'll call them that because I'm not going to use profanity) who are trying to turn our country into the United Socialist States of America... They have nationalized the banking industry, the auto industry and now they are trying to nationalize health care. Our last battlefield may very well be "Cap & Trade" because if we let them cram this down our throats America as we know it will for all intents and purposes be gone... If I wanted to live in a socialist country I'd move to Germany,(the beer is really good) but I don't, I choose to live here in the greatest country on the planet, the United States of America...

Please email your senators and demand that they vote "NO" on Cap & Trade legislation which will destroy jobs and become a revenue source (remember it's not really a tax, ha ha) for the government... The passage of this and subsequent signing into law will not only cost the average household over $3,000.00 a year, but put a strangle hold on our ability to create manufacturing jobs and turn this fledgling economy around...

Happy Birthday and God Bless America

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